ISY Learns Update – February Edition

Eric Brown, Director of Curriculum & Learning
February 2, 2021
“The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.” – Dorothy Parker
Happy Groundhog Day Everyone!
As we wrap up report cards, Students Without Borders, cultural/country day celebrations, and the first half of the school year, we continue to focus our attention on designing units for our Quarter 3 theme – Planet. The learning experiences we plan for our students will provide opportunities for all disciplines to make meaningful connections to the following Enduring Understandings:
- Prek – Grade 1: The Earth is a special place
- Grades 2 – 3: The Earth in changing
- Grades 4 – 5: The Earth will survive
- Grades 6 – 10: Effective action requires understanding of the planet.
Here are some helpful and/or interesting articles, resources, and videos:
- Be sure to check out the Spring 2021 Professional Development Opportunities and sign up for any of those FREE webinars, courses, and/or sessions. Register on your own and put your name in the right column.
- Dr. Katie Martin provides 5 Practices to Reimagine Education in 2021 and Beyond
- Youki Terada explains the power of Using Student-Generated Questions to Promote Deeper Thinking
- Peter Dewitt examines What to Do about Cheating on Assessments in Virtual Learning
- Kelly Gallagher provides teachers with various handouts and instructional aids for teaching reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- Caitlin Tucker provies designs for Station Rotation Lessons for your Math, English, History, or Science Class
- Have you always thought about writing a book but aren’t sure about where to start or the steps to take? This panel discussion from 4 authors might help.
- Matthew Perini, Harvey Silver, and Jay McTighe provide 3 Strategies for Promoting Deep Learning Virtually
How can we celebrate student and teacher successes? Consider submitting to the ISY Learns Blog by emailing
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Just One More Mistake
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