ISY Learns Update – December Edition

Eric Brown, Director of Curriculum & Learning
December 17, 2020
“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.” – B.B. King
As part of the ISY Learns Blog, I would like to provide periodic updates regarding curriculum, instruction, assessment, school improvement, and professional development.
Quarter 3 Planning is full swing as we focus our attention on our theme – Planet. The learning experiences we plan for our students will provide opportunities for all disciplines to make meaningful connections to the following Enduring Understandings:
- PreK – Grade 1 The Earth is a special place
- Grades 2 – 3 The Earth is changing.
- Grades 4 – 5 The Earth will survive.
- Grades 6 – 10 Effective action requires an understanding of the planet.
Here are some helpful and/or interesting articles, resources, and videos:
- Check out these great bitmoji Virtual Classrooms for inspiration.
- For those on Facebook, search the group Global Educator Collective. There are now over 129,000 members all tackling distance learning and sharing resources.
- The shift in data analysis mathematics courses is fast approaching. Until then, The Investigations Center for Curriculum and Professional Development provides some helpful activities for K-5 in Working with Data.
- All AERO Mathematics Curriculum Resources
- Here 19 Webcomics to keep teens engaged.
- Virtual Field Trips! – Yellowstone, Great Wall of China, Mars, and more…
- The Lorax rapped brilliantly by Wes Tank.
- Don’t we all wish we could be as happy doing this right now?
- Paul Andersen’s Teaching Guide at Home: A Survival Guide for Parents
- C3 authors Kathy Swan, John Lee, and S.G. Grant have created these Covid-19 Compelling Questions for the each social studies discipline.
- Check out this cool Evolution of Dance (1950 – 2020).
- Brilliant! Some parents have rewritten the Common Core Standards after having to homeschool during distance learning.
- 50 Easy Science Experiments Kids Can Do at Home
- Inquiry educators Trevor McKenzie, Kath Murdoch, and Kimberly Mitchell have created 130 Ideas for Check-In Questions during Remote Learning they created after their #inquirybythefire webinar.
- You can now download over 300,000 books from the New York Public Library for free.
- See SHAPE America’s Covid19 response, and how they can support teachers.
- See ACTFL’s response to Covid19, and how they can support teachers.
- Compassion Project and other lesson ideas and resources
- Kelly Gallagher has created some lessons for high school ELA teachers you can access.
- Arts Education Partnership Covid19 response and resources
How can we celebrate student and teacher successes? Consider submitting to the ISY Learns Blog by emailing
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