ISY Learns Update – February 16, 2021

Eric Brown, Director of Curriculum & Learning
February 16, 2021
“Storms make trees take deeper roots.” – Dolly Parton
I continue to be inspired by the hard work, dedication, and flexibility of ISY teachers to deliver high quality instruction in these most challenging times.
Don’t forget about the Spring 2021 Professional Development Opportunities offered by a variety of different organizations. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Here are some helpful and/or interesting articles, resources, and videos:
- Jennifer Gonzalez of Cult of Pedagogy provides an excellent overview of How to Teach an Inductive Learning Lesson.
- Jill Thomas and Allison Zmuda discuss Slow Pivots: What’s Driving the Change to Reimagine School Schedules?
- Tim Fawn’s online teaching iceberg pretty much says it all.
- Let’s all get pumped about the New Mathematics Framework for California!
- Katie Martin proposes 10 strategies to get to know your students and create an inclusive learner centered culture.
- Should we give classroom jobs another try?
- Science teachers – see these must haves for remote learning by NSTA.
- Here’s a great looking infographic on the Ultimate Critical Thinking Skills Cheatsheet.
- Check out this nice summary of Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teachers.
- Extend Education has some great resources for the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
- Stacey Tornio has some great looking anchor charts for phonics and blends.
How can we celebrate student and teacher successes? Consider submitting to the ISY Learns Blog by emailing
Previous ISY Learns Posts
ISY Learns Updates – April 1, 2021
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ISY Learns Updates – March 19, 2021
This edition of ISY Learns Update provides interesting/helpful updates for ISY teachers.
Building Positive Relationships with Students
“They may forget what you said, but they will not forget how you made them feel.” – Carl J. Buechner. In this blog post, we discuss the importance of building positive relationships with students.
Just One More Mistake
ISY Secondary Teacher Graeme Foster provides insight on how making mistakes and being comfortable with them is an important trait to nurture.
ISY Learns Updates – February Edition
This February Edition of ISY Learns Update provides a brief update of Quarter 3 planning as well as interesting/helpful updates for ISY teachers.
The Impact of the MISCA Network
ISY’s High School Counselor Mick Amundson-Geisel provides insight on how the MISCA Network has impacted not only his practice but the lives our our ISY students.